[海外校园机构] 公告

[海外校园机构] 公告  

因 “新冠病毒”(Covid-19)疫情的发展及3月19日洛杉矶政府公告的 “Safer at Home” 规定,[海外校园机构] 的工作时间会有所调整。在此期间,若您打电话来无人接听, 请使用电子邮件与我们联系,我们将在24小时内答复,我们的电邮是 info@oc.org。所带来的不便,敬请原谅。 


注: “Safer at Home” 文件请参考这里。 


Due to the impact of COVID-19 and the “Safer at Home” announcement, we have adjusted our office operation hours. If you can not reach us by phone, please contact us through email (info@oc.org) and we will respond within 24 hours.  We apologize for any inconveniences that we have caused.

Let us pray together and have our trust in the Lord that we can go through this crisis all together as quickly as possible. Thank you.  

Reference:  “Safer at Home” announced by Los Angeles County on March 19